Teacher? I prefer the term Educational Rockstar.

“Wherever you find something extraordinary, you’ll find the fingerprints of a great teacher.”

Teacher? I prefer the term Educational Rockstar.

Chaos ruled OK in the room,
As bravely the teacher walked in.

The theme for today is Health Psychology,
I’m going to teach you a lesson,
One that you’ll never forget’.

Here’s the rule for what to do,
If ever your teacher,
Asks u to unknowingly give verbal test about what u wrote in the test.

What if ever u got to know, 
That ur lecture class is swapped with a tut class,
With the intention of not letting students to escape from the class.

Teaching is like hiking up an erupting volcano,
 During a hurricane, while being chased by dinosaurs.

A commitment to instill knowledge,
A dedication to excellence,
A resolve to make a difference.

Being that brilliant light,
Illuminating the prism of their life,
Revealing to students,
A rainbow of possibilities.

Painting their minds,
Guiding their thoughts,
Sharing their achievements,
Advising their faults.

Inspiring Love of knowledge, 
Lightning the path,
Leading to our youth.

Our future brightens,
with each lesson you teach,
Each smile you lengthen,
Each goal you help us reach.

For ur patience and caring,
Kinds words and sharing,
I just want to say thank you ma'am.


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