In the verge of forest...
In the verge of forest...
-Simran Malhotra
When I am lost in the forest engulfed in the threshold of all my insecurities making me feel delluded about this 'me',
Finding myself lost in the verge of the forest,
Just finding myself surrounded with all the dark, dim and gloomy shades around me.
It's just then when I feel lost losing all the insight abt the direction,
The magnetic bearing of my compass seem reflecting it's needle indicating it's guiding direction.
The pole star shinning brightly just above my head glorifying it's shinning radiance,
I am still in search for always being this radiance.
The submergent indigo ink on my page creating space for my bold letters,
My pens ink helping me to vent out all my emotions on those embracing notes.
All those volumes of knowledge making me overwhelm with my own self establishing my inner resilience,
Consciousnly just being delluded for finding way for my emotions.
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